Schwab breaks down economic performance by political party back to WWII.
"Let's start with the economy, via a look at average gross domestic product (GDP) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE). The U.S. economy is a massive and complex system and we certainly don't credit—or blame—presidents for everything that occurs in the economy. That said, both measures of growth have fared better when Democrats were in the White House."
#vote #voteblue #harriswalz #MAGA
“Let's move on to the stock market. … here's the data. … stocks have performed better in all four cycle years under Democratic presidents.”
#vote #voteblue #harriswalz #MAGA
“let's bring this report home with another broad take on historic market performance. Again, using the post-WWII period, an investor who put $10k into the S&P 500 at the beginning of 1948 would have seen that grow to about $312,000 by the end of 2023 if the money was only in the market under Republican presidents. Conversely, $10,000 grew to more than $1.2 million by the end of last year when only invested under Democratic presidents.”
#vote #voteblue #harriswalz #MAGA
But sure. Go ahead and vote for the senile fascist because of the economy.