Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and No Labels are effectively surrogates for Donald Trump’s 2024 bid. #NoNoLabels #VoteBlueButNeverRFK #GoHomeWest
This Is the Time for Quixotic, Corrosive Campaigns? Seriously?
@DemocracyMattersALot I had a theory in 2000 that Nader ran against Gore to punish the Democratic Party for not embracing him in a meaningful way. These campaigns have a similar feeling. The US paid for Nader's revenge with George W. Bush, who set the stage for this shitshow. How RFK Jr and Cornell West can risk another Trump era when it's obvious how disastrous it would be is baffling.
@pcat @DemocracyMattersALot You are assuming it is their decision based on emotion and not based on more powerful people that are using them as tools either through gifts or blackmail. I believe firmly in the latter.
@azphilosopher @DemocracyMattersALot That is pretty likely for Kennedy and West. It's definitely what's behind the "No Labels" bullshit.