Tonight’s eclectic #music listening experience extravaganza (dj’ed by my partner with excellent taste)
#Fergie - Big Girls Don’t Cry
#FrankieValli - Big Girls Don’t Cry
#Asia - Heat of the Moment
#AsleepAtTheWheel - House of Blue Light
#BlackEyedPeas - The Boogie That Be
#ArthurLyman - Taboo
#AvrilLavigne - I’m With You
#BachmanTurnerOverdrive - Takin’ Care of Business
#TheBangles - I’ll Set You Free
#Blackstreet - No Diggity
#BrooksAndDunn - My Maria
#asleepatthewheel N2, last night was even a bit better, though it's mostly a carbon copy. Fun times though
#milesandmilesofTexas is close enough for me!
Then again, forget about the politics for a half hour and give happiness a chance! These guys always make me smile! Nobody has a better voice then Ray!
#asleepatthewheel #RayBenson
Hope to see Jorma and Hot Tuna this August a few times, and then Asleep at the Wheel in October is booked. Now if we could summon Jerry Jeff Walker and George Frayne from the grave I could be 25 all over again! Hey #davidbromberg you know you have a standing invitation down here in Arizona anytime, any time at all!
Much love boys, you gave me some of the best times I could ever ask for!
#LostPlanetAirmen #CommanderCody #AsleepattheWheel #MrBojangles all around!
#JukeboxFridayNight #NowPlaying #NowListening #Music #80sMusic! #90sMusic #00sMusic
Steal My Sunshine - Len
Heat of the Moment - Asia
House of Blue Lights - Asleep at the Wheel
I’ll Set You Free - The Bangles
And just in case you haven’t seen it, please enjoy the literal video version of Aha’s “Take On Me:
#SaturdayNightPlaylist #NowPlaying #NowListening #Music #MixTape
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love - The Blues Brothers
House of Blue Lights - Asleep at the Wheel
I’m With You - Avril Lavigne
I’ll Set You Free - The Bangles
I Got Cheesesteak - Beard Meats Food
Cut To The Feeling - Carly Rae Jepsen
@georgetakei I'd rather be #Woke than #AsleepAtTheWheel